Why you're afraid to talk to her.

when uncertainty hurts

There's a difference between the man who approaches the woman he's interested in and the man who doesn't.

But that difference is not:

  • fearlessness

  • unshakeable confidence

  • god mode

The man who musters the courage to approach her isn't fearless.

He's still nervous but that nervousness is a 3 rather than a 9 on a 10-point scale.

He’s not fearless.

He's courageous.

But why is he less nervous?

It's because he's clearly defined and internalized the values that guide his life.

He’s clearly defined the true values he's looking for in his ideal woman.

He approaches a woman with intent and that makes the approach less intimidating.

He's not thinking — I really hope she likes me or else I'm worthless.

He's thinking — There's a chance we'll click and there's a chance we won't. Either way — it doesn't change my worth.

But too many men lack this preparation.

They go in unsure of what they're looking for and what they offer.

And if you're uncertain, that's what you're risking to get.


Uncertainty in whether she's right for you.

Uncertainty in whether you should move on instead of wasting your time.

Uncertainty and pain because you haven't defined your true values and breaking points.

Unpacking your values and the values you look for in the one is the starting point.

Get this one right, and you'll have a compass that'll guide you to the right woman.

Get it wrong, and no amount of techniques will save you from a painful relationship.

It took me years of trial and error before I figured out how to uncover the values I stood for and the values I preferred in my ideal woman.

But once I did, dating turned to easy mode.

This is what I’d like to help you with.

I’ll be hosting the TruValue Workshop on Monday — September 9th, 2024 at 10 am MDT.

I’ll share the principles and the techniques that'll help you what your true self values in a woman — not what the internet told you you should value.

Once you know, dating turns into easy mode because you're not wasting time asking yourself — Is she really right for me?

And you'll cut out the time-wasters out of your life so that you can focus on finding the right woman you click with.

If you can’t attend the workshop live, you’ll receive a recording — but I won’t be selling the recording after the workshop is presented.

Got questions? Send me a reply.

Until next time,
