Can you make any woman fall for you?

Want Taylor Swift to be your girlfriend?

Want Taylor Swift to be your girlfriend?

How about Megan Fox to cuddle with you every night?

Are you in?

Before you answer, let's take a look at today's question.

I’m a 27 year old average looking male. I have my own place, and an established career. What’s the trick to pulling any girl I want?

- A reader

Hundreds of pickup and seduction books are available online that promise you the secret formula to attracting ANY woman you want.


Even better, this secret formula doesn't require any effort from you.

Do you want it?

I spent months approaching women in public.

I turned many of those approaches into dates and some into relationships.

And I'm going to let you in on a secret.

The secret formula to pulling any women is a FRAUD.

But it sounds tempting.

I want to BELIEVE that I can pull ANY girl in the world.

But there is no technique or trick to get ANY girl.

And trust me, it's actually a good thing.

You can be the ripest, prettiest, and juiciest peach in the world, but some people don't like peaches.

It has nothing to do with you.

But let's say you had a method to force any woman to be with you.

You still lose.

Your experience will be empty.



She never wanted to be with you and therefore she never liked you for you.

The reality is that dating is a numbers game.

And the trick is to know the values you're looking for in a woman.

Not the values that online bros are telling you to look for, but for the values that feel right to you.

Values, not traits.

And then you go out and approach women.

And your job is to efficiently date until you find a woman that fits your values and lifestyle and feels right.

That is how you win at dating.

The rules are set. And you can't wish them away with a secret formula that doesn't exist.

However, with the right mindset and approach, you can speed up the dating process until you find the woman that feels right.

And you won't need to use force.

And she'll feel right about you too.

And that's happiness.

Until later,
