Real men don't cry

but to what end?

Masculine energy directs.

Feminine energy receives.

So let me ask you — why are you looking for a quality woman?

Upcoming TruValues Workshop

Registration closes in 48 hours. See more details at the bottom.

Okay, you want to have kids.

Okay, you want to build a family.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and call these the results and not the cause of what you’re looking for.

What most men are looking for is affection, acceptance, and love.

A man wants to receive affection, acceptance, and love from his woman.

It’s the feminine energy that receives.

Most men radiate masculine energy with a smaller portion of feminine energy.

That feminine energy is natural.

It allows a man to receive the fruits of his labor.

It allows a man to relax, to feel, and to appreciate love.

It’s a vulnerable side of a man because it’s a side that is temporarily defenseless.

When the relationship is right, that feminine energy is the conduit that receives acceptance.

When the relationship is wrong, that conduit receives hurt.

And a man who has been hurt for too long is tempted to shut down that feminine side of himself.

And it’s a rational decision.

He thinks — At least I won’t feel pain anymore.

Shutting it down looks like this:

  • Real men don’t cry

  • Don’t be a p*ssy.

  • Never show your emotions to women

But what are the consequences?

He’s shut off his ability to receive.

Even if he met the kindest loving woman tomorrow, the relationship would be emotionally stunted.

He simply wouldn’t be able to receive her affection and love.

And she’ll wonder if she’s the problem because there’s no emotional depth.

They both lose.

Many men suppress their feminine energy for fear of pain.

I get it — no guy wants to roll the dice, open up to a random woman, and get emotionally wrecked.

But there’s a way to lower that risk by using a powerful filter.

That filter means understanding the true values you’re looking for in your ideal woman.

That means when you’re dating, you have high confidence in knowing whether she’s right for you.

And you’re not left wondering — hmm, I wonder if I should go out on a second date.

You’re armed with the exact values that you’re looking for from her that resonate with your mind + heart.

And when you meet her and it’s all green flags, your heart is calm.

Your mind is calm.

And you have the confidence to open your feminine energy and receive the affection and love she’s willing to give you.

TruValues Workshop

That’s why I’m going to show how to uncover the true values you’re looking for in YOUR ideal woman at the TruValues Workshop on October 9, 2024 at 10 am MDT.

Registration closes in 48 hours.

I won’t be selling the recording of the workshop afterward.

When you’re clear on what you’re looking for from her, you’ll begin to have the courage to open up.

When you open up with the right woman, you open the flow to receiving fulfillment and love.

And the relationship ‘clicks’.

Until next time,
