Does nobody care about you?

What twitter told me

I opened Twitter and saw this gem on the front page.

This advice trends very well in the masculine circles.

But to what end?

How does this advice help or hinder a man looking to find his marriage-ideal woman?

Here’s what this post imparts to your subconscious mind:

Nobody cares…
Nobody cares…

Let’s look at the man who buys into this lone-wolf “the world is against me” belief.

When a good woman crosses his path, his mind will sabotage him.

You can’t build a long-term fulfilling relationship on “nobody cares and I gotta do it alone”.

The man with this mindset keeps himself walled off.

He can’t show vulnerability for the fear that someone will screw him over.

And a lack of vulnerability destroys the potential for a fulfilling relationship.

Here’s the thing — I have no right to tell another man what to believe…and I won’t.

But every man must ask himself:

Are the things I believe serving me?

But before you get there, you must figure out the core values that drive you.

I’m not talking about the ones that you picked up from society.

The ones that drive you.

And when you do, you can then understand your needs and what you want from your marriage-quality woman.

The 21-year-old guy behind a faceless Twitter account can’t do it for you.

I can’t impose my values on you either.

But what I can do is show you how to uncover the core values that drive your life.

And once you see them, you’ll know which ones truly resonate with Who You Are.

And then you’ll know the kinds of values you’re looking for in your marriage-quality woman that lead to a fulfilling long-term relationship.

TruValues Workshop

I’ll be teaching you how to do this in the upcoming one-time TruValues Workshop on October 9th at 10 am MDT.

We’ll cover the exact process I’ve used to help men uncover their core values so they can then understand the values they’re looking for in their ideal woman.

Look — the person behind the tweet is right.

Nobody cares about him.
Nobody cares about his pain.

But it’s not because the world is a cruel place.

It’s because he’s chosen to see the world in that perspective and his brain consistently validates that view.

I choose to see the world differently — and the world delivers.

And your choice is solely up to you.

Until next time,
