A pattern of broken relationships

what Larry King missed

Larry King was an American TV host.

Even though every household knew his name, that's not why I bring up Larry King.

What's interesting is his pattern of marriages.

The man went through:

A first marriage

A second marriage

A third marriage

A fourth marriage

A fifth marriage...

It's time to call it quits, right?

Hell no.

A sixth marriage

A seventh marriage

An EIGHTH marriage

Before we say what the hell…

We must realize he's not an exception and this pattern isn't limited to marriages.

There are plenty of men who experience the same pattern of broken relationships.

The women are different in each relationship, but the problems are the same.

A man could only handle so much disappointment.

Over time, the string of failures leads to resentment.

They lead to beliefs like:

- There aren't any good women out there

- All women are drama queens

- Love isn't real

But that's the symptom. Not the root cause.

The root cause is hard to admit and worse than that — it hides within us.

When one person hurts you — it might be them.

When the second person hurts you — it might be them.

When the third person hurts you...

Look in the mirror.

And to do that hurts the most.

All men live by a code of conduct, whether conscious of it or not.

These are values a man holds about his relationship to himself and to the people he interacts with.

But there's a cost to living life without clearly defined values.

When you encounter people who are a nuisance to your life, you don't notice it.

Instead, you become too flexible.

You begin to bend your happiness and accept low doses of punishment to win the validation of the person who is hurting you.

And then comes the breaking point.

And the pattern repeats.

And that's how you get a string of terrible relationships with women.

Again — the faces change. But the pattern of hurt stays the same.

So what happens with the man who has clearly defined his values?

The beauty of values is that they are one side of the coin.

The other side of the coin is the complete opposite of those values.

When you know what you want — you know what you don't want and aren't willing to tolerate.

And that's when the search for a marriage-quality woman is straightforward.

By the end of the first date, you'll know with high confidence whether there’s a solid foundation of common values between you two.

If there isn’t, that’s okay.

You don’t waste time. You don’t appease.

You move on to the next woman.

You're no longer stuck in a string of terrible relationships because you quickly filter out the women that don't align with your values.

And then you'll accidentally meet ‘the one’.

And she will match your values.

And because she matches your values, that means you match hers.

And it's a win-win.

But until you figure out and define exactly what you stand for and the values you are looking for in your ideal woman, you're going to continue playing the dating game in hard mode.


TruValues Workshop

Knowing how to uncover your true values is a cheat code.

That’s how you skip over getting the same crappy results in dating and relationships.

That’s why I'm hosting a new workshop designed to help men uncover what they truly want in their ideal woman—the true values that matter to YOU, not what your uncle told you that you should want.

I used the same tools to find my wife and then start my family.

Join me for a live TruValues workshop on Monday — September 9th, 2024 at 10 am MDT.

If you can’t attend live, you’ll receive a recording — but I won’t be selling the recording after the workshop is presented.

Got questions? Send me a reply.