What am I looking for in a woman?

wishlist vs reality

I’m often asked this question:

How do I figure out what I’m looking for in a woman?

Every man faces this question after a string of bad relationships.

Mainstream dating says to create a wishlist of what you want her to be.

Problem solved. Close the book.

If it were as simple as that, then why are men still stumped with — “how do I figure out what I’m looking for in a woman?”

Here’s the problem with wishlists.

Our mind lies to us.

We put down values that don’t fulfill us on a deeper level.

We list values that aren’t ours. They are borrowed from relatives, parents, and our individual upbringing.

And the result? The same shallow unfulfilling relationships repeated over and over until you realize — something’s broken here.

We’re missing an ingredient when making a wish list.

Without this ingredient, we’re risking writing down false values.

The missing ingredient are your true core values.

Once you’ve uncovered your true core values — the ones that resonate with your mind and your heart — you can start using them as a powerful filter.

It’s this filter that lets you accurately define what you’re looking for in a woman.

This works because your true core values represent who you really are.

And once you know who you are, it becomes easy to define who YOUR ideal woman should be.

That’s when fulfilling relationships happen.

Every man must go through this process individually because every man is wired differently.

The specific values I cherish in my ideal woman (my wife) aren’t the values you’ll want in yours.

And once you know what you’re looking for, you’ll know whether the woman you meet is right or wrong for you without wasting months in a relationship headed nowhere.

Until next time,


Attention: TruValues Workshop

I’ll be hosting a workshop that helps men answer — how do I figure out what I’m looking for (true values) in my ideal woman?

I’ll show you how to separate the false values apart from the true values that resonate with your heart and mind so that your doubts about whether she’s meant for you melt away.

More details to come soon.

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